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Program Proposal for Health Disparity: HIV - Research Paper Example

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10). Furthermore, this term also denotes comparative measurements of the burden of disease, as well as the morbidity and mortality rates in particular…
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Program Proposal for Health Disparity: HIV
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PROGRAM PROPOSAL FOR HEALTH DISPARITY: HIV Program Proposal for Health Disparity: HIV Introduction A health disparity is a statistically significant variance in health indicators that continues over time (Holtz, 2012, p. 10). Furthermore, this term also denotes comparative measurements of the burden of disease, as well as the morbidity and mortality rates in particular population groups (Holtz, 2012, p. 10). An example of a health disparity is HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus. According to Holtz (2012), HIV is the tenth leading cause of diseases or injury worldwide.

In lieu of this fact, this paper will then focus on HIV as a health disparity. Moreover, this paper will discuss a program that could address the aforementioned health disparity. The Predicament Infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV results to a long-term and frequently fatal infection without any known cure characterized by a progressive immunodeficiency, a long clinical latency period and opportunistic infections (Sax, Cohen & Kuritzskes, 2010, p. 2). More than one million people in the United States and 30 million people worldwide are infected with HIV (Sax, Cohen & Kuritzskes, 2010, p. 2). Holtz (2012) gave emphasis that each year, almost three million people are affected by HIV, and AIDS or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is the leading cause of death for women of reproductive age.

African Americans comprise approximately 13% of the US population, yet this group accounted for the largest share of new infections in 2006 (Jenkins, 2009, p. 2009). Among the 56,300 persons diagnosed with HIV in 2006, 45% were African American, 17% were Hispanics, 35% were White Americans, about 2% were Asians/Pacific Islanders, and an estimated 1% of new infections were among American Indians/Alaska Natives (Jenkins, 2009, p. 2009). The Program Proposal The proposed program highlights a holistic approach in addressing HIV.

The target population comprises of both men and women especially those belonging to the reproductive age. The goals of the program consist of reducing sexual transmissions thus leading to prevention of HIV and elimination of new infections specifically among children. Moreover, it aims to provide people access to treatment, eliminate gender inequalities, stigma and discrimination. In addition, it endeavors to promote optimum standard of life for those already with the disease. The program will be called “Targeting HIV as a whole”.

It will utilize methods of providing education and awareness especially regarding the etiology of the disease and its transmission. It also stresses the importance of having only one partner. Vital information can be disseminated through pamphlets, brochure, advertisements and through seminar workshops so as to avoid ignorance and misconceptions about the disease resulting to prevention of stigma, gender inequalities as well as discrimination. The program will also ask the assistance from the government so as to promote accessibility to resources such as diagnostic exams and other means aiding in appropriately addressing the disease.

Conclusion HIV may be a known health disparity but with combined and continuous efforts of the government and private sectors, in time, the reduction of cases may be foreseeable.ReferencesHoltz, C. (2012). Global Healthcare: Issues and Policies. United States of America: Jones and Bartlett Learning, LLC.Jenkins, S.K. (2009). AIDS: Education and Prevention. United States of America: AuthorHouse.Sax, P.E., Cohen, C.J., & Kuritzskes, D.R. (2010). HIV Essentials. United States of America: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, LLC.

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